Well, Hello There…

So, here I am.  It’s probably pretty evident at this moment that I’ve decided to start a blog.  The really pressing reason that this is becoming a reality instead of a fleeting thought that bounces out of my head as quickly as it comes in, is my students.  22 young people I haven’t even met yet.

I’m going to ask them to blog this year in their writer’s craft class and I realize that I can’t ask such an enormous risk of them, without being willing to take that risk myself.  I’ve decided, in spite of all of the raging voices that tell me I can’t/shouldn’t/won’t, to practice what I preach.

I have thought about blogging for a number of years now but I’ve never been able to commit.  There have been many excuses, the biggest being that I couldn’t decide what the blog would be about.  Would it be about motherhood, or education or cooking, macramé, or poodles or the linguistic adventures of my three year old?  Does the world really need more of those blogs?  What could I possibly have to say that is new or exciting?  Or even worse, what if I manage to say something that is new or exciting and nobody likes it?

And then it’s just out there.

For all the world to see.

For all time.


Wouldn’t it just be better to keep all those thoughts whirling around in my head, tucked quietly in there for only me to see?

But, the thing is, there are these 22 teenagers, right. Young writers, who may not even know they’re writers yet and I want to convince them to give this writing thing a real go.  Not a school-assignment, just-for-marks, because-I-need-the-credit go.

I want them to experience the thrill (and terror) of writing for a real audience.  I want them to see the value in reflecting on their work.  I want their digitial footprint to be a bold, positive and empowering one.  I want them not to be afraid to use their voice to speak loudly and clearly about what matters most to them in this world.  I want them to see how their stories, no matter how big or how small, are a powerful way to connect with all kinds of people all over the world.  So, I kind of better believe it myself, shouldn’t I?

So, here it is.  My blog.  I am committed.  I’m going to learn by blogging.  Right out there, for all the world to see, right along with my students.  Messy. Exciting. Perfectly imperfect. Please consider joing us for the adventure.

3 responses

  1. What a wonderful first post! Welcome to the world of blogging! Enjoy the opportunity to reflect on your learning and teaching and the chance to share those ideas with others. I hope that you find it transformative! I look forward to reading many more of your posts!

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